Saturday, March 3, 2012

After a week of sloth....

...On Friday, I was riding the Pulaski bus home from work, wondsering when I should resume running.  There's a St. Paddy's day 8K coming up.  Shouldn't I be getting back into it?  Yes, but the forecast called for snow flurries, wind and....
..Then I saw someone running the other way on the sidewalk.  He was dresed for the cummy weather-tights, cap, etc.  I have the same type of clothing.  What's my excuse for not running?
OK.  One more night to veg out and then,,,
...I went out this morning, after dropping by the office to return some stuff.  Down Pulaski, to Foster, and then over to Milwaukee.  It was a slow chug, but by God, it was a chug.

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