Saturday, March 31, 2012

A messy way to get information about my stride

I really like the Skechers GoRun shoes I know wear when I run.  No more shooting pains in my instep after running, because I've shortened my stride, and eliminated the heel strike.  There's no cushioning under the heel, so you HAVE to land on the midfoot.
[Disclosure: I have no financial connection either to Skechers, or to DSW, the store where I bought them. Damnit, I haven't figured out how to land an endorsement deal with DSW :-) ]
Today I took my longest run, mostly on pavement, with an occasional digression to a dirt muddy trail.
Total mileage: 9.7.  After that, I walked to the Irving Park Y for a post run stretch and some crunches.
Oops.  I dragged mud into the cardio room.
I beat a retreat pick up the dirt clots, and then  to the men's room to clean off the mud from the soles.
Most of the dirt was right under the midfoot.  There was a little bit near the toe.
Although I regret making a mess in the sink - I tried to clean up as best I could- it was satisfying to know that I was successfully transitioning to a midfoot strike.
Next time, I'll wait until the dirt trails are dryer.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Mission (almost accomplished)

The event.  St Paddy's Day race along Chicago's Lakefront.  I ran in the 8K
Weather: A LOT warmer than last year's event.  it must have ben 65-70 when the race started.  No forest gren long sleve top this year.  I was in a short sleved replica Liverpool training kit.  The shirt sponsor's logo for a certain Danish beer was emrald green on a white background. .
The positives: I wanted a slow begining.  Slow as in 11 minute miles.  Mission accomplished for the first mile.  The second was about 10:30.  The third-Ido't remember, except it was too fast, so I decided to slow down for the fourth.  I tried to save energy for a finishing kick.  Yep, as soon as we get a cross the bridge over Diversy Harbor, I'll step on the gas, I thought. 
Bridge crossed, I accelerated..and forgot how much longer I had to run!  I almost went the wrong way dpwn the path where the 5K runners were suppose to go. Ooops.
I slowed down to get control of my breathing.  All the turns in the course made it longer than it seemed.
now that I think about it, the course wasn't layed out any different than last year.
Final turn.  Gasp Wheeze.  The fiinsh line seemed so far away.
Official time: 48:43.  About 4 minutes slower than last year.  Well, maybe if it had been colder.  Well maybe if I had trained a little more.  Well maybe.....I need water to drink and soak my head, a banana, and a couple of bottles of the sponsor's drink.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Once more to the races

The event: St. Paddy's Day race along the lakefront of Chicago.  I've signed up for the 8K again.
Last years time: 44:28.
Of course, last year, I ran the first mile in 9:30, and almost swore a blue streak when I saw the time at the first mile clock.  Way too fast, to early. 
This time, I'd like to plod along at 11 minutes paces, for the first two miles.
Also: after a short "training" run yesterday (more of an OH MY GOD IT'S TOO EARLY TO RUN) I have decided to spare myself the sharp pains in the instep, and wear the Sketchers GoRun shoes instead of my pair of Brooks.
Midfoot strike now and forever.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

What NOT to wear?

After days of crummy 30 & 40 degree weather, Mother Nature turned off the shower and turned up the heat. 
At this time of year, I would be wearing thermals to ward off the cold and wind, but yesterday and today, it was sunny in the 60s.  Find that Bullfrong sunscreen!  Check.  Wear shorts, no thermals undermeath.  Check. Long sleeve shirt, because I don't want the upper body muscles to tighten up.  Check.  Fleece top. Why?  Because,'s got poclets, and I can carry the phone and wallet.
One layer too many-especially this afternoon.  39 minutes into my lakefront run, I had to stop and tie the thing around my waist.  Why was I so worried about the wind? 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

After a week of sloth....

...On Friday, I was riding the Pulaski bus home from work, wondsering when I should resume running.  There's a St. Paddy's day 8K coming up.  Shouldn't I be getting back into it?  Yes, but the forecast called for snow flurries, wind and....
..Then I saw someone running the other way on the sidewalk.  He was dresed for the cummy weather-tights, cap, etc.  I have the same type of clothing.  What's my excuse for not running?
OK.  One more night to veg out and then,,,
...I went out this morning, after dropping by the office to return some stuff.  Down Pulaski, to Foster, and then over to Milwaukee.  It was a slow chug, but by God, it was a chug.