Yesterday, I did a series of runs, putting the Map My Run app on my phone to good use. The run from my house to the River Park trail is 5.9 miles. The really hilly part of the River Park trail is .3 miles.
I was going to run the hilly part at least 6 or 7 times, but I just had to check on the progress of the resurfacing of the nearby track, which is South of Foster on Argyle, West of Albion.
So, bugger the hill work - I ran a mile of ladders.
While running I had an epiphany: I want a pair of track spikes. I never ran track & field in high school or college, but dagnabbit, before I leave this Earthly life, I want to tear around this track in some red spikes.
Yup, that's my "Midlife Crisis" - no cherry Corvette Convertible. I'm cheap, I admit it. Give me a pair of
(fill in brand name) shoes with spikes, and let me haul my assets around this track.
Some of you are saying "You were distracted from your training plan." Um, yes & no. My plan was to measure distances run for future reference. I did get some hill running done. However my plan is to look for ways to add variety.
And I missed this track while it was being renovated! I liked to run a mile (4 laps) to check my pace.
The weather's still good here, and there's still time to get those spikes.